Modeling Techniques
Welcome to the Modeling Techniques Page! This page contains links to Internet resources that make significant achievements in modern modeling, in particular model railroading. These links were active at the time they were added, and will continue to be updated as they may change. There are also listings of the reference material contained in my private library collection, and these also are split up among modeling reference material on various modeling techniques I have done in the past or utilize now, or plan to apply on my HO scale layout. I also have a list of prototype reference materials that are contained in the collection. |
Internet ResourcesBenchwork Another great "How To" posted on MR General Forums by Heartland Division CB&Q (aka Garry) on 03-10-2008, 11:14 AM. This is a nice mini "How-To" on creating stratified rock walls on layouts and posted on MR General Forums by Heartland Division CB&Q (aka Garry) on 02-24-2008, 9:59 AM. This is a nice clinic posted on "Free Rails" Scenery Forum on making pine trees on O scale, but the sizes can be scaled to any gauge and done in the style of a very simple Malcolm Furlow approach. From the Pacific Coastliner Railroad web site by Harold Minkwitz. This is a wonderful technique for creating very realistic modeled wood using styrene as the base and tools include grill brushes, sandpaper, primer paint and black dye, and various ink colors. Harold also has another link to a page for making Styrene as Rough Weathered Wood . |
Tutorials I need to createCSXFan wrote on Model Railroad Forums (02-05-2007, 9:54 AM): Does anyone have a diagram or web site that shows the "correct" way to lay split cork roadbed through a turnout? Thanks. No, but that is a great idea for another tutorial that I need to work on based on my system of using split cork roadbed for my turnouts. I just need to find my ruler..... and camera, easier to explain with photos. Do more 3rd PlanIt tutorials too! |
Reference MaterialsListed are the reference material found in my personal library that I have utilized in my research and study for modeling techniques and the prototype. Modeling References 18 Tailor-Made Model Railroad Track Plans Published 1983 Kalmbach Publishing Co. ISBN 089024040X 79 pages Features track plans that were tailor-made for specific situations by the master of track planning. Armstrong pioneered and promoted modern layout design, stressing the concept of designing the model railroad as a totality, including its operational scheme, the prototype on which it was based (including its landscape setting), the use of double sided backdrops and other devices to control viewpoints and viewing angles, multiple levels of railroad, staging yards, and the operational plan or schema. Before his synthesis of the ideas of John Allen, Frank Ellison, Whit Towers and others, layouts were often little more than a "spaghetti bowl" of intersecting tracks on which trains ran in no particular order and with little or no sense of purpose. |
101 Projects for Your Model Railroad By Robert H. Schleicher Published 2002 MBI Publishing Company ISBN 0760311811 255 pages A treasury of weekend projects for all model railroad enthusiasts, spanning everything from bench framing to wiring, assembling buildings, creating realistic ground covers, detailing locomotives, and running the railroad. Each project includes a handy table explaining the time (one to eight hours), tools, materials, money, skill level, and space required for successful completion. Studio photographs complement the text, and although the focus is on information specific to HO scale, each project includes a list of scales to which it is applicable. |
Model Railroad Bridges & Trestles By Model Railroader Magazine Staff, Bob Hayden, noe Published 1992 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890241287 152 pages Teaches how to build sturdy model bridges and trestles of stunning realism. Includes construction plans, prototype photos, and over 20 sets of scale drawings for scratchbuilding, kit bashing, or modifying commercial bridge kits. From Model Railroader magazine. |
The Model Railroader's Guide to Bridges, Trestles & Tunnels By Jeff Wilson Published 2005 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890245967 88 pages Each chapter shows prototype examples and ways to model, paint, weather, and install.- Includes details for numerous types of bridges- Ideal for intermediate and advanced hobbyists- Supported by national advertising in Model Railroader magazine. |
How to Build Realistic Model Railroad Scenery By Dave Frary Published 2005 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890244707 144 pages Featuring today's newest products and equipment, this guide will attract modelers with contemporary images.- Includes new chapters on Western, desert, and urban settings- Ideal for any modeler planning a layout- Supported by national advertising in Model Railroader magazine. |
Scenery for Model Railroads By Bill McClanahan Published 1967 Kalmbach Publishing, Co., Books Division ISBN 0890245088 103 pages This from the old school method of scenery building and originally published as the first edition in 1958. This volume also includes chapters by Linn H. Westcott and drawings by Gil Reid. Chapters include 1: Why Scenery?, 2: Planning Ahead, 3: Short Course in Railroad Geology, 4: Materials and Techniques, 5: Hard-Shell Scenery, 6: Zip Texturing, 7: Trees and Shrubs, 8: Water, 9: Details, 10: Blending Background Scenery. |
Trackwork and Lineside Detail for Your Model Railroad By Kent J. Johnson Published 2000 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890245711 96 pages Turn your attention to the finer details of trackwork and lineside activities. In this book, you'll find tips, techniques, and ideas for working with track and the details immediately alongside it. Features clear photographic instructions, including illustrated references to prototype trackwork and details. |
How to Build Model Railroad Benchwork Published 1996 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890242895 80 pages Demonstrates how to plan and build the basic framework to support layouts of any size, shape, or gauge. |
Easy Model Railroad Wiring Published 1999 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890243492 128 pages Everything you need to know about wiring a permanent layout is covered in this how-to guide. Includes the essential techniques needed to wire a two-rail, DC-powered layout of any size or complexity, plus the basics of Digital Command Control. |
![]() How to Wire your model railroad Published 1950 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890245037 87 pages Suggests simple equipment and methods for wiring a model railroad and achieving smooth train operation 1: Realistic Control, 2: What You Need, 3: How to Select Your Power Pack, 4: Motors and Speed Control, 5: Locomotive and Car Wiring, 7: Lops and Other Turning Tracks, 8: Turnouts Make a Difference, 9: Crossings and Fancy Trackwork, 10: Block Wiring, and 8 more. Includes a troubleshooting guide and index. |
DCC Made Easy: Digital Command Control for Your Model Railroad By Lionel Strang Published 2003 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890246165 48 pages Explains digital command control in a concise and straightforward way. Covers the history of command control, dissects the components of a DCC system, addresses the full range of commercially-available systems, and presents step-by-step projects. Ideal for all hobbyists with an interest in DCC. |
Realistic Model Railroad Building Blocks: An Introduction to Layout Design Elements By Tony Koester Published 2005 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890243689 96 pages Offers techniques for incorporating layout design elements into a larger layout. Perfect for intermediate and advanced modelers. Supported by national advertising in Model Railroader magazine |
Realistic Model Railroad Design: Your Step-by-step Guide to Creating a Unique Operating Layout By Tony Koester Published 2004 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890245819 96 pages Using photos, illustrations, and a straightforward style, notable Model Railroader author Tony Koester shows you how to make creative, plausible choices for the concept and construction of your next model railroad. Covers developing a model railroad theme, choosing a scale, integrating signature design elements and much more. Complements Realistic Model Railroad Operation. |
Track Planning for Realistic Operation: Prototype Railroad Concepts for Your Model Railroad Published 1998 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890242275 144 pages Provides step-by-step design techniques and track planning tips that save you time, money, and headaches. This must-have book also covers aspects of prototype freight and passenger operations, route design, and contemporary railroading. |
![]() Track Planning Ideas from Model Railroader: 58 Track Plans from Past Issues By Bob Hayden, Photographs by Bob Hayden Published 1981 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 089024555X 95 pages Selected from over 20 years of Model Railroader magazine, these model railroad track plans represent a wide variety of sound approaches to the task of routing model railroad track. |
![]() The Best of Model Railroading Magazine's Track Plans By Robert H. Schleicher, Illustrated by Robert Schleicher Published 1983 Eastwood Pub. Co. ISBN 0961269200 98 pages Create your own state-of-the-art track plans the easy way...and, your layout will last a lifetime. That's what the authors' of the book stated back in 1983. All of the track plans in this book were first published in the pages of the Model Railroading magazine. |
The Classic Layout Designs of John Armstrong: A Compilation of Ideas and Commentary from the dean of custom layout designers Published 2001 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890244170 96 pages This notable designer has contributed to Model Railroader magazine since the 1950s. This exciting book features easy-to-follow layout designs for sophisticated layouts. Ideal for intermediate and advanced model railroaders. |
![]() 101 Track Plans for Model Railroaders Published 1956 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890245126 72 pages Each of these track plans is an adventure in itself, like a visit to another model railroader's home railroad. Each plan is built around some railroad theme with an atmosphere of real, or sometimes imaginary, countryside. The plans range in size from tiny layouts that would fit on a card table to a huge estate-size railroad designed for a specially built building. |
![]() HO Primer Model Railroading for All Published 1964 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890245037 79 pages How to get more fun out of trains, and HO is more than a toy. These are a few of the catchy phrases Kalmbach used back in the early 1960's in this introductory book for beginners in the hobby. Chapters include 1: How to get more fun out of HO trains, 2: Starting with a train set, 3: A power pack is essential, 4: Good train performance, 5: All about sectional track, 7: Tracklaying kinks, 8: Track maintenance, 9: Return-loop wiring, 10: Locomotives on the railroad, and 13 more. Includes a troubleshooting guide and index. |
![]() Rand McNally Handy Railroad Atlas of the United States Published 1988 Rand McNally & Company ISBN 0528210017 64 pages This atlas has maps of all 50 sates and clearly shows railroad lines, cities they serve and distances between key points. Three concise information tables provide other important information on each railroad including types of service, states covered, and miles of track. The atlas provides easy to access information for traffic planning, merger studies, industrial development, and day-to-day railroad operations of the mid- 1980's. |
![]() Creative Model Railroad Design Published 1978 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 089024538X 123 pages This volume shows you how to find a home for your pike, even if you think you don't have the room. Use different combinations of scale and gauge to tailor your layout to he space available. Construct a lighting system that will provide "sun" shadows. Use layout modules to serve two pikes. Model today's railroading - unit trains, Amtrak, Auto_Train, and revitalized short lines. Model a "brief moment" in railroad history. |
![]() The Practical Guide to HO Model Railroading Published 1986 Kalmbach Publishing, Co. ISBN 0890240868 87 pages A how-to-do-it handbook for beginners and includes a step-by-step guide for building a complete small layout. |
Prototype References |
![]() Eastern Lines Carolina Division Timetable No. 17 By Southern Railway Effective Sunday, March 12, 1978, 12:01 A.M. Eastern Standard Time 36 pages |
![]() Eastern Lines Eastern Division Timetable No. 8 By Southern Railway Effective Sunday, April 29, 1979, 12:01 A.M. Eastern Standard Time 40 pages |
![]() Eastern Lines Piedmont Division Timetable No. 3 By Southern Railway Effective Sunday, October 25, 1981, 12:01 A.M. Eastern Standard Time 38 pages |
![]() Eastern Region - Piedmont Division - Timetable Number 13 Effective Sunday, October 25, 1992, 12:01 A.M. Eastern Standard Time 145 pages Each of these timetables contains 140 plus pages & includes the Washington-Lynchburg; Lynchburg-Salisbury; Salisbury-Greenville; Greenville-Atlanta; Asheville-Spencer Yard; Asheville-Spartanburg main lines as well as numerous other branch & secondary lines such as Salisbury-Albermarle; Belton-Walhalla; Bowlin-Gebo; Asheboro-High Point; Stokesland-Spray & many others. Each timetable also includes speed restrictions, special instructions, diesel & car weight restrictions, Amtrak schedules, signals, a division map & much more information. |
![]() Eastern Region - Piedmont Division - Timetable Number 16 Effective Sunday, October 30, 1994, 12:01 A.M. Eastern Standard Time 144 pages |
![]() Eastern Region - Piedmont Division - Timetable Number 17 Effective Sunday, April 2, 1995, 12:01 A.M. Eastern Standard Time 137 pages |
![]() Southern Railway Diesel Locomotives and Trains 1950-1982 - Volume One By Curt Tillotson, Jr Published 1994 Ralph Ward ISBN 1883089824 128 pages Curt Tillotson takes the reader along on his photographic journey recording the Southern Railway's diesels in service. Over 120 photos, all presented in large format with extended, detailed captions, much as in his Classic Trains of the South. Early diesels are covered as well, but the bulk of this volume features the author's excellent photos from 1960 to the merger with Norfolk and Western in 1982. Includes a summary roster of diesel locomotives. |
![]() Southern Railway Depots Volume 2 By Ralph Ward Published 1994 Ralph Ward ISBN 0962299936 64 pages A pictorial of depots found in the southeast region states including Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia for the Southern Railway. |
![]() Southern Railway Spencer Shops 1896-1996 By Duane Galloway and Jim Wrinn Published 1996 TLC Publishing ISBN 1883089239 106 pages The tale of the Spencer Shops embodies the story of the steam locomotives in the American railroad industry from the late 1800's through the mid 1900's. The growth and development of the railroad industry along with the modernization of the steam locomotive brought drastic changes and huge repair shops like Spencer that employed thousands to keep the locomotives running. Southern's huge shop facility at Spencer, North Carolina, celebrated it's 100th anniversary in 1996. It currently houses the North Carolina Transportation Museum, which is restoring many of the buildings to display historic railroad rolling stock and motive power. This is the interesting story of the shops, the people who worked in them ,and the equipment the facility kept on the road to power the Southern Railway's great passenger and freight trains beginning more than a century ago. The authors tell an exciting and enormously fascinating story woven around the lives of the shop workers and the work of a facility as technology changed, right down to its closure and rebirth as a museum. Southern Railway's Spencer Shops 1896-1996 tells the tale of this remarkable railroad shop, its heyday, its demise, and resurrection as the home of the North Carolina Transportation Museum. |
![]() Southern Railway Pictorial By Ralph Ward Published 2000 Ralph Ward ISBN 0962299944 64 pages A pictorial of Southern Railway locomotives, rolling stock, and structures. |
![]() Southern Railway By Tom Murray Published December 15, 2007 Voyageur Press ISBN 0760325456 160 pages This illustrated account of the venerable Southern Railway is both the story of the railroads 88-year tenure as the transportation force in the region and a fascinating chapter of Southern history. Author Tom Murray explores the railroads complex prehistory before examining its nearly nine decades of freight and passenger service, right up to its 1982 merger with Norfolk and Western to form Norfolk Southern. Financier J. P. Morgan makes an appearance in the story, which takes in points of interest such as the 21.5-mile trestle across Louisiana's Lake Pontchartrain and legendary passenger trains like the Crescent and the Southerner. From the Inside Flap |
![]() The First Twenty-Five Years: Preserving and Protecting North Carolina's Transportation History By Kevin Cherry Published 2003 North Carolina Transportation Museum 36 pages |
The American Train By Brian Solomon Published 2000 MBI Publishing ISBN 0760324492 168 pages |
The History of North American Rail By Christopher Chant Published 2006 Chartwell Books, Inc ISBN 0785814558 443 pages |